Emergency Food Assistance

I was hungry...

and you gave me something to eat

Learn more about food assistance

Emergency Medication Assistance

I was sick...

and you looked after me

Learn more about medication assistance

Emergency Utility Assistance

I needed help...

and you met my needs

Learn more about utilities assistance

All assistance, including food orders, will be by appointment only.

Food, Rx, and Utility Assistance Appointment Scheduling

Same-day appointments may be made as available. Please call 404-373-2300 for utility bill assistance and call 404-373-9283 for food  and Rx assistance ONLY.

• Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

• 8:30am–11:30am

Food Selection Times

• Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

• 9:00am–11:15 am

Donations / Deliveries

DEAM is closed for assistance on Wednesdays and only open for donations and deliveries.

• Wednesdays

• 8:30am–11:30am

Weather Closure

DEAM follows the weather closure policy of City Schools of Decatur. When CSD is closed, DEAM is closed.

DEAM serves more than 250 local families and 125 unhoused clients a month, providing critical assistance to ease hunger, prevent utility service disconnection, and purchase life-sustaining prescriptions for qualified residents.

Read more about DEAMWatch our video

DEAM is participating in the Atlanta Community Food Bank's 2025 Hunger Walk Run and we need your help! The money raised last year has paid for all of DEAM's deliveries from the Atlanta Community Food Bank since July 2024 and helped us provide protein, dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other essentials to seniors and neighbors in need. Please help us meet our fundraising goal by making a donation or joining the team! 

Event: Sunday March 9th 12pm

Registration deadline: March 7th

Are you on the DEAM Team?

How to help...

visit http://www.hungerwalkrun.org

Select "Donate"

Select "Find a Team" and search for "The DEAM Team"

Select "Donate Now" to make a donation


If you'd like to take the next step, please consider joining our team in-person or virtually by selecting the "Join Team" option from our Team page. You will be able to make a personal donation and set up your own fundraising goal (a great way for church groups/walking groups/book groups to get involved.) You'll be able to personally fundraise for our team by sending emails to friends and family, posting to social media, and getting the word out in the community!

tell me more about giving

DEAM seeks volunteers to help as greeters, in the office, and in our food pantry. Find out about the many ways you can help prevent homelessness and hunger in the Decatur area.

discover how you can serve

Utility Assistance and Food Pantry Appointments:

To request utility assistance:

  1. Call 404-373-2300 during office hours (8:30 am-11:30am) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Once your request has been confirmed over the phone, please email water & gas bills to  info@deamdecatur.org You MUST call before emailing or bringing a water or gas bill to see if funds are available and to verify that you live within our service area.
  2. If you do not have access to email, a water or gas bill can be brought to the office during office hours. You MUST call first to see if funds are available and to verify that you live within our service area.

To make an appointment to shop in the food pantry:

  1. Call 404-373-9283 during office hours (8:30am-11:30am) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. You will need to verify that you live within our service area before making an appointment.

Where do I start?

If you or someone you know needs help, please visit our Eligibility page to find information on who qualifies for assistance, what assistance can be offered, and other important information you need to know.

Learn more about qualifying for assistance

Ready to Donate Now?

We've made it easy for you to support DEAM's ministry and mission! Just click on the button to provide financial assistance on a secure website.

What a great way to honor or memorialize someone!

How DEAM & You Serve the Community

Food Distribution

DEAM provides emergency food and basic toiletries to qualifying residents.

Learn more

Prescription Purchases

DEAM provides financial assistance to qualifying residents for prescriptions.

learn more

Utilities Continuity

DEAM helps prevent cut-off of water, gas, and electricity services by providing financial assistance to qualifying residents.


Urgent & Ongoing Food Pantry Needs

DEAM relies on contributions of non-perishable food and basic health supplies. DEAM buys many canned goods from the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB) at pennies on the dollar, but the items listed below are always in short supply.

Our ongoing needs
  • small boxes corn muffin mix
  • juice boxes
  • canned soups
  • reusable bags
  • laundry pods or powdered detergent (no liquid please)
  • granola bars
  • Pads/bladder control pads
  • Saltine Crackers
  • reusable cloth bags
  • full sized hygiene products - toothpaste, deodorant, soap
  • Peanut butter crackers
  • 1 lb pkgs. of yellow rice
  • canned tuna
  • 1 lb bags of white rice
  • 16 oz bottles of water for unhoused
  • Toilet paper

March 2025 Most Needed Items:

  • Reusable Bags/Large Paper Bags/Shopping Bags
  • Tuna Fish
  • Canned fruit
  • Jelly
  • Baked Beans
  • Sugar substitutes (ex: Equal, Splenda, etc.)
  • Collard Greens
  • Cooking Oil
  • Canned Veggies (Mixed Veggies, Carrots, Peas.)
  • Canned Chilli
  • Canned Beef Stew
  • Saltine Crackers
  • Cereal

At DEAM, we strive to help qualified clients move from a place of need to one of independence.

Eighty-five percent of every dollar donated to DEAM goes to serving clients. The remaining 15% covers operating expenses. You can be assured that any monies donated to our ministry are used efficiently and effectively to benefit those in need.

Volunteers are the Backbone of All We Do.

We want to hear from you about your desire to serve others.

"This will be a few words from a DEAM volunteer about the impact and positive influence they have experienced since volunteering with DEAM. Should only be a sentence or two that will hopefully inspire others to help. Example 1

Testimonial Quote Author Name or Volunteer Position

This will be a few words from a DEAM volunteer about the impact and positive influence they have experienced since volunteering with DEAM. Should only be a sentence or two that will hopefully inspire others to help. Example 2

Testimonial Quote Author Name or Volunteer Position

This will be a few words from a DEAM volunteer about the impact and positive influence they have experienced since volunteering with DEAM. Should only be a sentence or two that will hopefully inspire others to help. Example 3

Testimonial Quote Author Name or Volunteer Position